The title is 100% correct, I want your help on something. Yes, you, the one with the eyes and the hair, with the face. You! Ok, so maybe I'm being a little weird, so I'll just get to the point. With 2012 just around the corner, I have been thinking a lot about upcoming plans for Immortal Music. I do have a few select ideas, but I want more.
As many of you may have noticed, about a month a go or so now, I changed "the news" section to "the venom" section. I did that for obvious reasons, to fit the immortal /vampire feel the website has. However, I want to now change the other sections to something more suitable for the theme, and I am stuck! I really really, really, need suggestions for the album reviews, homepage (considering "the coffin"), interviews, calander, and biography page. Please, if you have any idea at all, post a comment telling me your idea. Maybe I'll use it. If its good enough, I probably will to be honest.
Also, I want more fan incorperation this coming year. I want people to suggest projects in mind, and fun little things to get the site more active and all that good stuff. I will not tell you what any of that is until December 30, maybe even later than that, I don't know yet. All I'll tell you now is that I'm planning a lot more fun to be happening in 2012.
I mentioned a few months ago that I wanted to do this project called "Album Reviews A to Z", but I never did it. Now, I am planning on doing it, but not the way I originally planned. Instead of just filling in the holes I left with the letters of bands I didn't do (like G, I think), I will start with an A band and go all the way through Z. There probably will be some inbetween, but ultimately, I will write 26 (is there 26 letters in the alphabet? I'm too lazy to count right now!) reviews one for every letter of the alphabet. I also want you guys to suggest bands I should do biographies for, albums I should review, games we should play, whatever you can think of! Suggest it. :D
Ok guys, I have more to say, but I think that'll wait until a bit later, because I am making a project out of this, and I have to make the project in order to post a blog thing here. I don't know, I feel like I'm rambling, bye guys!
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