Friday, November 30, 2018

House Things

I was reading some old posts from here, because why not? But I saw in one of my posts that I said I wanted to have a pink bathroom with makeup everywhere and a bright yellow guest bathroom, and wanted my bedroom to still be dark purple. Which it was at that time.

Who was I back then? For the life of me, I don't recall wanting a pink bathroom at the age of 18. I would have sworn I outgrew the whole wanting pink walls and to be surrounded by all the girly things by like fourteen max. I legitimately said I wanted a pink bathroom with makeup everywhere and fluffy towels on the towel racks.

I wouldn't have said my style has changed that drastically in the past six years, but apparently it has! I'm actually genuinely confused though as to why I said the thing about makeup. I've never bothered with makeup, and have never had a single point in my life where I had a serious interest in anything but eyeliner. That actually baffles me.

Jesus and I are getting a place in exactly three weeks, and I have so many style ideas for the house. We've talked about painting, which I think we might one day. We're allowed, we'll just have to paint it back when we move out so it can't be anything too crazy. Certainly no dark purple, because there is simply no covering that.

I have on and off said I would want a bright yellow kitchen, as a nod to my childhood kitchen. There's something just homey and relaxing to me about a bright yellow kitchen. So I actually had thought of doing that on a more muted level, kind of like a pale yellow, so it would be easier to cover. That being said, I have an affinity for all things red and black and already have red, black and grey kitchen items, such as plates, bowls and towels. And yellow frankly will make it look like McDonald's, so I'm not so sure about doing that anymore. For the time being, I don't plan to paint, really. Maybe eventually we will, since I know Jesus really wants to, but not right now. Or any time soon, because even if we get the ideas, paint is expensive and we have far too much to do.

For the kitchen, I mostly have red decor, but also will have black accents and it seems like most of our cookware will be black, solely because its easier to find that. I also think I will get a black table cloth, or maybe a red one, depending on what I find, just because I don't love our table. Its a beige color, and its got stains on it. I don't love it for not only the color, but I do think its a bit too big for the space. I would really like to get a dark wood hi-top table, just because I think they look really nice, and it would be smaller so it might work with the space better.

The living room right now is not going to be what I want. We're getting our old couch back from Brandon that frankly nobody likes, and nobody can agree on what color it is. I say its grey, but literally everyone else tells me its tan. But then to go with it, I also have a grey shag rug, a dark wood coffee table that I've always treasured because it came from Grandpa and Grandma's trailer that I honestly don't even remember it. Plus we've always had it in our house, so its something I've grown up with. Then we have these glass, guitar pick shaped end tables with metal legs and a wooden shelf underneath, and a similar looking entertainment center. The end tables came from Janet, and the entertainment center is coming from Steve. I don't love either, and mom might kept one of the end tables, but for now, it will do.

What I want to do, is get a dark wood entertainment center with plenty of shelving since between Jesus and I we have just under 300 Funko Pops, and I also have about 200 DVDs. We definitely need the shelving. Then to go with it, I would like to get dark wood end tables that preferably have a drawer in them, just for more storage. And we both want a sectional couch. I kind of want a grey one, just to break up all the dark wood, but who knows what we will find.

 On the wall behind the couch, I want to hang up my very colorful Bring Me The Horizon flag, Between Jesus and I, we have a ton of wall art, and I frankly have no idea where all its going to go, but I know for a fact I want that behind the couch. Jesus wants to get black out curtains, and I'm a little torn on that. I like the idea for the bedroom, but I don't think I like the idea for the living room. I also don't really just want blinds, but at the same time, they're easier Part of me thinks though it would be nice to have black curtains with maybe some sort of pattern, or a sheer overlay in the middle. I don't know, but I kind of want to brainstorm that further.

We also have a half bathroom downstairs, and I haven't put a lot of thought into what to do in there. I can't even remember if there was a cabinet under the sink in that one or if it was one of those stand alone ones. I have no idea if I will have room for decor or anything. I am thinking whatever I get for the upstairs though, I will probably get for the downstairs too, just because its easier. Jesus talked about putting his Marilyn Manson portrait in there, with one of those floating shelves, and like pentagram candles on it, just to be quirky and weird. I kinda like the idea, but at the same time, that seems a bit excessive. We'll see, I'm not opposed so if we can find everything, we can do that somewhere. The guest bathroom may not be the place for that though.

Then there's a short little platform, for lack of a better work right before you fully start going up the stairs. I'm thinking it would be nice to get a basket for shoes for that area. And I've been debating on what to hang on that chunk of wall. I have a mirror, but I kinda think that's a bit too small for that wall, so if I get a mirror I want a longer one. I might just put some wall art there, I don't know. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I would like to find a small entryway table, if I can fit one in that space just for a place for keys, ect.

Then you go up the stairs, and the first thing you see is a stacking washer and dryer, which isn't the best look. So I want to cover that with a curtain, though realistically it probably will just be a blanket for a while. You then turn left and are facing the bathroom door, along with the linen closet. On the right side will be the master bedroom, and the left is our spare room.

We haven't figured out what we're going to do for the spare room yet. Originally I said I wanted an office, but frankly, I don't need it for anything now. When I did Immortal Music, yeah, but not now really. So we have to figure out what to do with that still. Right now, I'm sure its going to be storage, but we've also talked about turning it into a game room/ den. Eventually, we're gonna get a bigger bed, so I'm thinking we will just put my bed in there as a spare room for whoever. Plus, we could use it as a couch. I'm thinking it would be nice to use that like a couch, put a TV in there, and maybe a desk, and use it as a den fully. And of course we can use the closet for storage. Though its got this weird hump in the walk in closet. Its really strange, because its carpeted even? I don't get the point of that really, but whatever. No biggie. We're also talking about turning that room into the collectibles room, and it would probably be where I would film YouTube videos and such. But I don't know if I want a room just dedicated to collectibles, because I would really like to have it all spread out through out the house.

Then in our room, I have absolutely no idea what I want to do for it. I don't have a vision at all, and I'm not sure Jesus does either. For now, its going to have my bed, my entertainment center and TV, vanity and probably my bookshelf too. Jesus wants to put the bed in the corner like I've always had it, but honestly I want to try having it centered in the room, and end tables on either side. Because then we don't have to possibly crawl over each other to get up, and will have a place to sit stuff on either side. I would like to put the bed right in the middle, and the TV on the opposite all, or possibly over in the corner, so its still at an angle. But I have a feeling I won't win that one.

Eventually though we want to get a bigger bed, and I want to also get a bed frame that's like dark wood (notice a theme there? I like the dark woods). Kinda thinking like a sleigh bed sort of thing, and we want a Queen or King size bed. I thought of a California King, but I've heard its only just a bit longer than the King size. I did think maybe that would be better since Jesus is on the taller side, but I don't think its needed. But I think it would be so nice to have a big luxurious bed, matching end tables on the side, and a small entertainment center with a new TV. I want to get a smart TV, and put my current one in the spare room. I did just remember though we have a full wall of closet space to work around, so that's gonna be interesting. I'll have to figure that out. I just know I definitely want it to be extremely cozy. For some reason, the bedroom has been something I've completely glossed over with ideas, I just don't really have many. I keep trying to think of something, but nothing's coming to mind just yet. So hopefully once we're in there, we can come up with something together. Otherwise, its going to just be a weird mess and I'm not sure that's what I want.

Then the bathroom. I've already decided I want it to be black and white with a pop of red. I already have a music note shower curtain, and a black soap dispenser. I've been debating if I want red bath mats or black, and I'm kinda leaning more toward black ones. But at the same time, if you drop something on a black rug, its gone forever. Those things are literal black holes. But I keep thinking it would be nice to do that, and get a black and white picture with a pop of red. I actually saw one I liked on either Amazon or Etsy, I forget which, that was just a rose on a piano, I believe it was. And the piano and background was black and white, but the rose was red. I loved it. And then if everything else was black and white, the red towels I have would really pop, and I could always get some sort of red accent decor to put on the sink or the back of toilet.

I don't know why, but for some reason interior design is something I've found some interest in recently. So hopefully I end up getting something set up and we'll have a super nice house that reflects our personalities a lot. I think its over all going to be super colorful, because of all the wall art. I know I have so many photos I've taken, Jesus has several portraits I can think of, and at least 1 poster still. He has a Halloween wooden sign that I bought him, that honestly would match very well in the bathroom, so I might actually hang that in the master bathroom after all. He also has a couple Legend of Zelda wood signs, a Halloween poster that we just got from AMC earlier this week, and probably a few other things I'm forgetting. And I have a Coco poster, my flag, a BMTH poster, a few Jonas Brothers posters still, a Moana plaque, and of course, the photos I've taken. I don't think I'm taking them all, but I'm definitely taking the big ones, and maybe a few others.

We definitely have the decor down, but I'm sure we'll get more.

I've been pretty nervous about moving out, which I don't really understand. I am excited, but I think its the timing. We move in at the end of December, just before Christmas, when work is at its absolute worst. Right now we're constantly dealing with shipment, and other issues left and right. We constantly are behind and its bothering me a lot. And I've found myself very unmotivated to pack, and its been making me a bit depressed. From all the stress, I think I've been getting a little anxious and its all just a mess. I think its just because there's so much going on at once, and I just keep thinking I won't be able to actually settle in and unpack at all until after New Year, and that really sucks. And I know I will disappoint my family because I will be off on the day we're moving in and then probably not again until Christmas Day so I'm not gonna want to do anything actually on Christmas. Mom's accepted that, but I know deep down its bothering her. And I fear we're gonna fight about it. All the anxiety is making me extremely itchy, and I'm constantly on the edge of tears. I just can't wait to be settled. I'm sure it will all be fine but right now there's a lot going on.

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