Monday, March 26, 2012

Here's what's up.

Hey guys, I just wanted to take a minute to talk about what's coming up within the next couple of days. I'm not sure if anyone really cares when I post things, or really what I post, but just incase there is someone out there who cares, I'm going to take the time to tell everyone what's up. I mean, you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't want to know, right? Right. That'd just be silly.

     Today, and probably tomorrow, I'm going to be taking a lot of time to review albums and one EP. I am reviewing Sick And Twisted Affair by My Darkest Days, Vulnerable by The Used, Growing Pains -EP by Lower Lands, and tomorrow I am getting Amaryllis by Shinedown. There will be a review for that as well.

    I am also going to be posting the news here in a few minutes. Its mostly talking about releases, but there's a few other things added in. I also am going to probably change the layout for Immortal Music, and the profile picture on Immortal Music soon. I don't really know what bands will be featured this month, but I'm kind of thinking I'll either do something Warped tour themed, or Asking Alexandria for Immortal Music. I don't know yet, but I'm leaning more toward Asking Alexandria because it'd make more sense to have the Warped tour theme in July, when I'll be attending the festival.

I'll figure out, but I need a suggestion for the profile. Leave a comment on Music = Life suggesting one please. :)


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