The weirdest conversations always seem to happen to me in the car, or any time with my best friend. After all the pictures Ashley Purdy and Christian Coma from Black Veil Brides posted on Twitter of them with two women, that became a topic for us. I had posted on my personal BVB fan page asking if anyone else was thinking Ashley was sort of hot. A girl commented saying simply no, so I asked her why not. She said he's too feminine for her taste. I told my best friend this, as she's said the same thing several times, and a new conversation sparked up.
She asked, "What if he was actually born a girl, and decided to become a boy?" I hadn't considered this, but I guess it's possible. It does happen, though I don't think I'd ever ask Ashley about that. Please note: I am not saying Ashley was born a girl, it was just a weird conversation that got me thinking. Imagine how badly shunned they are for just being who they are.
I personally have only ever spoken to one hermaphrodite, and I barely remember them. I talked to them years ago on a kids site called Neopets. My mom however talks to a lot of people online, and one of them is in the process of becoming a man. She has felt all her life that she was supposed to be a man, a gay man, but a man none the less. You'd think a family would accept that of their child, and love them still. Her's didn't. The worst thing ever was they actually performed an excersism on her! How horrible is that?
I feel like that happens to people a lot, and its not right. What's so wrong about wanting to fully become what you feel you are? Yes, its a long process, a hard desicion, and a very exspensive process, but should there really be a cost when it just comes to someone feeling comfortable with themselves. Its not like plastic surgery, which is only there for cosmetic purposes, most of the time. Its making your body work like your mind does.
I don't fully understand it, as I was clearly ment to be a girl, but I know but often times small children will know they're not supposed to be that sex. Little girls will insist on boys clothes and toys, and little boys will insist on girls clothing and toys. That's something that baffles me, how can little kids know that's not right for them even before they know what genders are? I guess its just nature, I don't really know. Is there anyone out there who's been through this or has been going through it? Leave a comment and tell me.
Remember, I am not here to judge, when I ask about these things, I'm simply curious. I will not shun anyone for what they are. Only time I do that is when you're justifying bad things, like bullying, cutting, killing, ect, ect. You get my drift. Leave a comment with your thoughts.
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