Thursday, November 10, 2011

Does anyone even read this thing? (Rants and Immortal Music updates)

 Seriously, does anyone even read my blog? I'll admit, they're just me talking to myself, and is that ever interesting? I don't read blogs, all I do is talk to myself, or at least, that's what it feels like. The stats say nobody's really viewed my blog since the very first post, when I stated everyone had to read it. Several peoole did, because it intailed information to the changes for Immortal Music.

   Speaking of, I am still thinking about some changes, and some new add on's and updates I am considering. I've been thinking about setting set days for some things. If you're interested, there's a list of possible ideas below. I'd appericate it if you guys would drop a message on the Facebook page with your thoughts on it. That does include suggestions for other things!

  Possible ideas for a schedule:
       -Album reviews every Monday and Friday (2 -4 a week)
       -Band Biographies every other Wednesday (1 every 2 weeks)
       - Entertainement Section every Saturday or Sunday
       -"Vlog /Video log" every Sunday
       -Layout changes on the 27th of every month.
  I would still post news every day, because frankly if I didn't, I'd fall behind. I am also considering doing themes for the whole "hour of music" thing I've been doing lately. People seem to like it, but I thought it could be even more fun if they were themed. For example, "Only songs about love." or "Only songs without the letter A in them." Fun, sometimes challanging things like that. They're just ideas, but I'd really like it if someone would give me some feedback.
            Also, I plan on keeping up with the whole "vs" thing I've been doing lately. People still need to answer the latest one, which is is "Falling In Reverse vs Black Veil Brides".They were tied until moments ago, when someone else just voted Black Veil Brides up one more. So it appears as though BVB may win. Who knows. I will leave this one up until this evening, and if nothing changes, I will pronounce BVB the winner's and have them contiune on in future vs battles.

     Please help out here! If I get no feedback, I assume nobody cares and nothing gets changed. Given, I may just do some of this anyways, especially the band biographies. Maybe that'd be a good way to get me to write more of them, I really need to do more of those, I do not have enough of them.

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