Due to recent changes to the website, to save some room, I will be posting my 'Creator's Blog' posts here until I have the money to upgrade my website, Immortal Music to the pro status. I don't really want to, and it will be a bit weird, but what has to be done will be done. I apologize if this is odd for anyone else, its incredibly unprofessional, if you ask me. I do not have any other option for now though, unless I was to create an entire new site just for the blogs. That seemed pointless to me, so I just resorted back to Blogger. I'm hoping this will only be temporary, honestly.
Just going to dive in here with some changes that have been maded to the website. The pages for the album reviews, band biographies and interviews have been converted from normal pages to a blog style, so they are easier to view. Also, I still really want some feed back on the Immortal Awards! Can someone at least tell me if its a sucky idea or not? I still want to do it, but I don't have enough bands. Maybe I'll sit down later and really think about it.
Sometime soon I do plan on adding more reviews and biographies. I haven't reviewed anything since last month, and I haven't written a biography since September. Not to mention, I only have a small handful. I need more practice with those.
I also just feel like saying something real quick, as its running through my head and it seems important to say. I do find rockstars attractive, and yes, sometimes that is the majority of their appeal, but that is never my reason for being into a band. You're not into a band then, you're into the person.Which is fine, but when I say I am a "fangirl" for someone, its not usually just skin deep. Its because of what they write, or their personality. Same goes for normal people, I am not superficial like that.
Music is my life, and I sincerely mean that. Its very powerful, and simply amazing. It has nothing to do with the looks of the band.
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