Its only like one o'clock and I feel like I've been so damn lazy its not even funny. Maybe that's because I just wasted like two hours watching Shane Dawson videos. I seriously feel like I should pick up the camera and just start making videos, maybe you guys would actually pay attention to those!
I kinda think nobody wants to read and that's why nobody pays attention to my blogs. For that matter, I'm not even certain more than like two people read the music news on Immortal Music. Anyways, so I was watching Shane Dawson earlier, and normally I don't watch him. I saw one video sometime last year and thought it was the stupidest thing ever. I remember telling my friend who told me to watch him that he was hot as hell but not at all funny. I guess I was just watching the wrong video, as I checked out his ShaneDawsonTV2 channel, and laughed my fucking ass off.
The video that ultimately got me to change my mind was "Gay kiss with Shane Dawson", and I originally clicked on it because I was like, "Ok, there's a ton of gay rumors about him, but he denies it so much. Why would there be a video of him kissing a dude?" I figured it'd be a fake out video, where it comes close, but then doesn't happen. I won't ruin the video for it, you can check it out on the Music = Life page on Facebook, or on Shane's ShaneDawsonTV2 account. Just something he does in the video made me crack up so much I watched it twice in a row, and I never do that! I never even do that for Smosh, who I adore.
SPEAKING OF SMOSH, (like my segway there?), they're doing a contest to fly you and two people out to Califorina to meet them and be in an episode of Lunchtime With Smosh. If you don't know what Lunchtime With Smosh is, you're a loser. Just kidding, but seriously, you're missing out. It can be found on Ian's channel, IanH. That is also where they post videos for "Ian Is Bored", which is really just Mailtime with Smosh, and the videos where Mari talks about articles they post on the Smosh Pit on
Somewhere below this text, there is a link to the video about Smosh's contest. The contest is called For Breakout Contest and is sponsered by X Out acne cream. Honestly, who cares who's sponsering it? Its Smosh, they're fucking awesome. Go check out the video, and the rest of their videos.
The basic rules of the contest are simply. Build a fort and make a three minute (or less) video of you breaking out of it. The most creative wins, and only people thirteen to eighteen can enter. That part kind of sucks, as I know for sure that people older than eighteen would kill to make a fort just so they can destroy it and then meet Smosh. I do plan on entering, and I am barely able to enter, seeing as I am eighteen.
I love how this started as me talking and ended with me reporting about a few YouTube stars. See? This is why I need an entertainment section! This way I can talk about the random videos I watch for no real reason at all, and I can say its for my site. Yay for excuses to waste my day on Youtube? No, oh you're no fun. Oh wait, someone just nodded in front of the computer? Sweetness, high five person!
That would have been far less stupid had that not been all typed out...two things on my Christmas list: my own camera, and my own computer. Two very needed things.
All joking aside, go check out Smosh and Shane Dawson. On the off chance Shane will ever see this, I am sorry I wrongly judged you. That was not fair at all, but I've never once been a hater, so that's an upside!
I have no idea why I just added that last part, I know he'll NEVER see this.
Fort Breakout Contest
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