I was watching a video BryanStars posted about what he thinks about We The Kings and others, and it got me thinking. He's nuts if he thinks All Time Low is losing their touch! I don't even get why he'd say that considering he told me himself last month that All Time Low is his all time favorite band. His opinion is that Dirty Work is not their best album, while I feel it is! If anyone has ever taken the time to read my review of it, I clearly state, "All Time Low has finally found their true sound." Or something along those lines, hell if I know for sure what the hell I said. He also states that We The Kings and NeverShoutNever have gone down hill. I really can't speak for those two, I only like one NeverShoutNever song ("Happy"), and I haven't really bothered to listen to We The Kings since Secret Valentine came out.
Honestly, I can't think of any bands that have slipped. All I keep thinking is music is music, they will never slip unless they stop. Music changes with the person who writes it, and unfortunately, sometimes people don't like the difference. That's not the musician's fault, its just life. I'm seriously trying to think of someone in the music world who honestly "slipped" and only one that is coming to my mind is Hannah freakin' Montana! That's completely different because she only helped write the Hannah music some of the time, and all the rest of the time it was TV writers writing her music. There's a reason not all of her music was good -plus her music is for kid's show, what would you expect?
I've had more cases where I didn't like someone's older music, but I loved their newer stuff. For example, All Time Low and Simple Plan. As I didn't like All Time Low's earlier work over all. I liked a few songs, and that was it. They've gotten better over the years. Same goes for Simple Plan, though I did enjoy their earlier stuff, I rarely would think about more thant two or three songs. I love their Get Your Heart On! album though, especially the track "You Suck At Love." Its just awesome.
So tell me, is there anyone you feel has slipped?
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