Last night was the kick off to Avenged Sevenfold's Buried Alive tour, it was also an annual event called X-Mas Ball. Before I go on explaining, it is actually 'X' Mas not the Christmas Ball. I know Xmas is another way to say Christmas, but in this case its not. The radio station that hosts it is called 99x so its always been called the X-Mas Ball.
The bands were (in this order) Black Veil Brides, Asking Alexandria, Hollywood Undead, and then, finally, Avenged Sevenfold. Honestly, Black Veil Brides was the best band there, even though they only played five songs. I don't wanna spoil the set list, since the tour has barely begun, but let's just say I was surprised by a few things they did not play, and I was surprised by a couple they played. I will tell you this, they played "Rebel Yell" off their upcoming EP. This surprised my mom, because I never told her they covered it. I wasn't really surprised, considering the EP comes out next month.
Someone was clearly pissing Andy off, because he told more than one person to suck his dick. I don't know exactly what happened, but at one point he crotched down, and got someone's attetnion. He said into the microphone, "Hey, tell him suck my dick, from me." A little while later he did the hand gesture to someone on the other side of the stage, and flipped someone off. For some reason, they get a lot of hate. I even told someone to shut up during the show because they were insulting them! Some guy, who was probably only sixteen or seventeen yelled, "Play something good!" As soon as I heard it, I guess I went into defensive fan mode, and yelled at him to shut the fuck up, that they were good, and if he didn't like it he could leave. He didn't even resond. :)
Normally, I am not one to fangirl, but I have to admit, I totally did with this one! I got all the way up to the barricade, and stayed there, I could see perfectly and was happy. BVB coulda never gotten off stage and I would have been a happy camper. The first time I heard Andy talk, my mind was blown! I didn't even scream, I just looked at him with my jaw dropped. Of course, then I screamed. I think I was in fangirl heaven up there, I could have watched them forever! I tried to get video, but the sound quality on them sucked. I probably will still upload them eventually, but I may also edit them so the recorded verison is there. I don't know yet, but I was very amused. I got a lot of pictures too, I noticed I got almost equal ammounts of pictures of Andy and Ashley. They're my favorites of the band, but I did get pictures of all of them, even a few of CC.
It was really hard getting pictures of CC, not only was I at an angle that I barely saw him, but he head bangs really hard. I was almost certain he nearly hit head on the drums several times. I also thought for sure Andy was somehow going to manage to hurt himself even though they were only on stage for five or six songs. He kept spitting on the stage, and at one point I saw him slip. I was just waiting for him to fall on his face. Thankfully though, he did not. He did however need to pull up his pants, I have more than one picture where you can see how buttcrack. Its sort of surprising since he practically has to paint his pants on.
Still, they were amazing, and I know say anyone who has said Andy can not sing has something seriously wrong with them. If you ask me, he has a voice of a sex God. Given, that is coming from an Andy Biersack fangirl.
After BVB went off, there was a twenty minute intermission, and then Asking Alexandria took the stage. I stayed in for one song, one song I did not know even, and walked out. The music wasn't music, it was noise! I don't really think it was Asking Alexandria's doing, and Danny's voice sounded just fine most of the time, but really it was the acoustics in that place. I decided to just hang out in the hallway with a couple friends, and stayed out there all through Asking Alexandria and Hollywood Undead. The only songs I even recongized from either band were, "Not The American Average", "Final Chapter (Let's Change The Channel)", and for Hollywood Undead, "Undead" and "Hear Me Now". With Hollywood Undead, that was only because those are the only two songs of theirs I know. With Asking Alexandria, it was because I couldn't understand much of what Danny was saying, and couldn't really decipher the music.
Only reason I knew that they played "Not The American Average" and "Final Chapter" was because I know "Not The American Average" is my favorite, and I know it very well, and he screams "Oh My God" at the beginning of "Final Chapter", and I heard that clearly. They both sounded awful though! I was considering going back in for "Not The American Average" but then I heard some of it and it was so bad it made me jump! They should have fixed the sound better.
We had fun in the hallway though, looked at merchandise, amused the Black Veil Brides merch guy by going over there four times, and taking pictures in front of it. He got in them, that was cool. Plus my friend and I ballroom danced for no real reason in the hallway to Hollywood Undead playing something I didn't know in the actual arena. Plus we met a Craig Mabbitt look a like, and amused him too by taking a picture with him. Actually, what made him laugh was me saying to my overly quiet friend that she couldn't take a picture with him because he wasn't Craig Mabbitt. He cracked up, and said do it anyways for the hell of it. I am pretty sure he won't forget that for a while.
When we went back in, my friends and I parted ways. They took their seats, I headed for the front. A guy I met there (A friend of a friend) decided to follow me up there. I think I made him a little nervous by the fact that my 4'11 and a half foot self was willing to take on the crowd myself. I felt kinda badass walking straight to the middle of the floor with him following me. He was probably thinking I was out of my mind, but people think I'm a lot younger than I really am, and while I normally hate that, it comes in handy at concerts. People are more willing to let me get in front of them, or even help me get to the front. I lost Devon (the guy I met), at some point, and went up to the barricade. Didn't even need to fight my way up there, I basically just walked up there. Weird thing was, I had to do more fighting to get to the front at the Mayday Parade concert I went to last week then I did for them.
I myself am not a big fan of A7x, but my mom is. I promised her that this time around I'd get her a lot of pictures of them, because the last time we saw them we only got a few. Since I didn't really care about them at all, I mostly just focused on taking pictures. I got a ton of good ones, which I will upload to the Music = Life page as soon as I can. Facebook's photo uploader has been terribly slow lately, and glitchy, so it takes me a while to get everything up.
Even though I was on the barricade and probably ten feet from a speaker, I didn't pay attention to all the songs they played. I know they played several I knew fairly well like "Nightmare", "Second Heartbeat", "Unholy Confessions", "Buried Alive", ect. It would have been weird if they hadn't played "Buried Alive". I mean, come on its the Buired Alive tour, its to be expected. They did well, and I got some very great pictures.
I had fun, and I defentily want to see Black Veil Brides again! They're high up on my list of the best performers I've ever seen. Right up there with Three Days Grace.
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