Saturday, November 12, 2011


I got word last night that there's now a Kidz Bop 20. I remember when the first one came out in 2001. I just googled that to make sure, it was in October 2001. So, what the fuck?! They've been ruining songs for ten years, and have twenty cd's out now? I've never liked them, they've ruined great songs for ten freakin' years. Why??? Hell if I know. Not only do they sound bad, but they pick songs with inappropriate lyrics and change them so they're not inappropriate. Like, "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars or "Fucking Perfect" by P!nk. They have covered both, and changed both. "Fucking Perfect" is now "Freaking perfect", and advertised as just "Perfect."

            I didn't think a thing about "The Lazy Song", until the line, "Gonna throw my hands in my pants." 10 year olds can not sing that line! Hopefully, they won't even understand why someone would do that. If you don't get it, and you're over, oh say, twelve, you need help. I'm just saying, then would be a good time to go talk to your parents about the birds and bees. I still don't get why they call it that, by the way. Its really more like flowers and hummingbirds. Oh whatever, anyways, so I wanted to hear exactly what they did to this song to make it "appropriate." Instead of saying "Gonna throw my hands in my pants", they say "Gonna throw my hands in the air."

        Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? A lot of songs are like that, and I personally don't think their voices ever blend well. Some of them do have some talent, but not really. Kidz Bop needs to stop making "music"! I love covers, but I love covers like this:
Not covers like this:
Its awful, honestly. Stop ruining songs, kids. I know its not you, and some of you do have real talent, but there's so much wrong with this!

           Did anyone like Kidz Bop growing up? I didn't, though I think I may have had a sample of one of them, because it came in a Happy Meal. Oh, and this is just something else I have to say, why on Earth do they have one of the girls singing about meeting a girl? There's so much wrong with this song, I don't even wanna look at what else is on the album. 

      I actually don't even like Bruno Mars, which I know is weird since a lot of girls that do like pop music love him. I like his lyrics, but not his voice. It just...doesn't sit well with me.! I like covers though, especially Pierce The Veil's cover of "Just The Way You Are" and We Are The In Crowd's cover of "Grenade."

     Speaking of, there's two things I have to mention. Punk Goes Pop 4 hits shelves and stores online on the 21st of this month. So there's still a little over a week for that, but also, I will be seeing We Are the In Crowd next Friday night at Revolution Live in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The venue is pretty small, so even though I do not have a planned meet and greet for them, chances are I will get to. Because of that, I'm hoping to have some questions thought up on the off chance that I get any real time with any of them. However, I've barely heard anything by We Are The In Crowd, so I really need some fan help here. Think up some questions and comment with them on the Facebook page. PLEASE! I only six days. I also really want to think of some for There For Tomorrow and You Me At Six. I can do You Me At Six, I just haven't yet.

             If you guys have anything to say, please comment. Ya'll are too damn shy with commenting! Help me out, I'd appericate it, and you never know, your question may get answered. I don't know yet, I'm actually not able to promise anything.

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