Friday, February 17, 2012

I Am What I am

Ok, so you guys may call me a loser for this one. I just got done watching the latest DCOM.  For those who don't know what a DCOM is, that's a Disney Channel Original Movie. Disney Channel used to refer to their movies as such, but they recently stopped that. I was greatly impressed, even though I thought it'd be just another High School Musical.

           Given, I only thought that because in the commerical they say something about the status quo, and HSM has a song called Stick To The Status Quo. Its totally not like High School Musical in the least. Its all about showing the world who you truely are. I know, I know, most Disney movies and shows touch on that subject, but this felt more true to life in a way.

        I've already explained to you guys who I am, in a way. Most of you know, I am just a girl with big dreams and goals who's obbessed with music. As I was watching this movie, I found myself thinking what part of me am I not expressing to the Interwebs? It seems like more and more these days that people are expressing themselves on the internet, but do you ever really know someone? That goes for in person as well, can you truely say you know anyone?

        I like to think of myself as an open book. You ask me a question, and I'll give you my honest answer. One of my favorite words is 'bitch', and you know what? I'm proud to be one! My mother has always taught me that being a bitch is not a bad thing, under the right curcumstances. Nine times out of ten, when you're called a bitch, its not because you're being mean, its because you're speaking your mind and people disagree.
I'm a very opinionated person, I'm not afraid to get my point across, and you would defentily be wrong if you called me shy.

        Nothing embarrasses me either. Sure, I'm not too quick to admit somethings, but it doesn't mean that I am embarrassed by them. I am who I am, and I am a complicated person. I don't care what people think for the most part, but that doesn't mean I don't care at all. Words do hurt sometimes, so yes, I have been insulted by things people have said to me.

        I dress like an emo, punk, gothic, rocker chick. Not because I'm upset about anything, or because I hate my life, its only because I like the style. Sometimes that's the only reason people dress a certain way, not because they're trying to get attention, or express how they feel. Its sometimes just how they enjoy looking. Maybe I'm weird, but I love the looks I get when I go to Walmart dressed in all black with my Tripps, and music blasting. It amuses me to no end.

        I feel people make too big of a deal out of how they look, and they worry too much about how people see them. Why do you care what people think? What really matters is what you think! If you think you look good, then you look good. Someone else will think so, even if you don't believe it.

          Judgmental people and know it all's piss me the fuck off. Everyone has to judge someone at some point, but they don't have to judge every little thing about them. Or look down on them just because there's something about them that's less than fabulous. People who do that need to be high fived. In the face. With a chair. Its just pointless, if you ask me. What's even more aggravating is you know they'd hate to be judged the way they judge others.

         Know it all's...well, they don't know everything, and need to stop treating me like I know nothing because I don't walk around acting like I know everything. I don't know everything, and I don't want to know everything. Imagine how boring life would be if you never learned anything new? I personally love learning new things! One of my favorite things to do every day is read these useless and random facts on Twitter. Its just fun to read something and go, "I never knew that! How interesting!"

    I'm a dreamer and a realist. Meaning, I have big dreams, but I know I have to work to get them, so I do it. I set realistic dreams and work hard for it. Yes, I slack off from time to time, but if we're all honest, don't we all from time to time? Even the President of the United States probably gets lazy from time to time and just wants to sit on Facebook playing games and IMing people. Laziness is a part of life, you just have to know when the correct time for being lazy is.

       Right now, I feel like I should be on the radio, or talking to a camera, not just typing. That's something else I feel I haven't mentioned in a while. One day, I hope to have my own webshow, and radio show. Yeah, I have a lot of dreams, and maybe they won't all happen, but hey, who knows? I want to have my own magazine and website, radio show and web show, this blog, of course Music = Life, and my own clothing company! Oh sure, its a lot, but that's why I will not be doing it alone. Over time, other people will come along who want to help. For now, there's nobody, so I make do with what I can.

        All I have right now is a website that hates my guts, a Facebook page with only 497 people on it, and this blog that hardly anyone reads. Its not much, but I feel like I need to keep going, and trying to climb higher. Dreams are important to have because if you don't dream of what your life could be, you're going to get stuck in a life you don't want. Parents always want their kids to do better than they do, so if you love your parents, you're going to reach for the stars.

         Not the sky, the sky is not the limit, the stars aren't even the limit. There's not a limit. One of my favorite quotes is "If the sky is the limit, than I'll build a bridge up to it. If I make it back, I'd still want more." I've quoted it so many times, you guys probably already know what its from, but its from "I'm Here To Take The Sky" by Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows. I have loved that line since the day I first heard it. That song is truely an inspiration, and I love it.

       I suppose I can not explain myself in just one blog. Actually, I'm sure I could, but in order to do that, I'll be typing for another hour or more, and you'll be reading for at least two. I'd still miss something!

  Who knows if I'm even getting through to anyone? I only know of one person who reads my blogs, and she doesn't count because she knows me. Now, I am being hounded to get off the computer, so I have to get off.

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