Monday, February 6, 2012

I wanna make a difference

I was sitting here reading my old blogs. Yes, I just said I was reading my own blogs, I'm a loser, get over it. Anyways, I was reading my old blogs and I realized that everytime I write, I have somewhat of a reasons. Its not always a great reason, but there is a reason. I try to write with a purpose, and for a purpose. Sometimes I do not even know where it comes from, the words just sort of type themselves.

        Ok, obviously I type them. If you're a writer, you probably understand what I mean. The words just come to me, they pour out like water from a pitcher. Not sure why, but that sounds like a bad analogy. Whatever.

            I use this blog as somewhat of an online diary. One I can 'rant' to and talk about things with, while not really caring if anyone reads it or not. I've always kept a diary, and I guess in a way, I keep two now. I have one hidden away in my room, and my blog. I've been thinking lately, if more people would actually read my blogs, I could make a difference if I tried.

      That's something not everyone actually realizes, everyone can make a difference. Even if you only effect one person's life, you still made a difference. Some people would not even be alive if it weren't for one person caring. Its sort of like Art Of Dying says, "Someone's living, because somebody gives a damn." Its the truth, honestly.

         I'm not sure how I'd make a difference, I think it'd depend on what I wrote about. Some days would probably be better than others, but isn't that life? You do have to just take the bad with the good, and move on with life. Bad things will always be there, but you can not let them hold you down. You'll miss out on a lot of the good.

      So, I am thinking of trying even harder to keep a daily blog, with a random subject every day.
Also, keep checking Music = Life, as I am still hoping to re-work all the plans for the site. I also may be making an announcement later for something else I may do.

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