Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm somehwat surprised.

I realize my blog is not popular, I do get that, but I am happy to see the blog I wrote up last night got six views. Its not a lot, but its still better than the usual ammount I get. That's one to none. The most views I've ever gotten is 11. Its not popular, but you know what? I still am going to keep writing these random little blogs. Eventually, I might reach someone, and even if I don't, at least I had fun doing it.

   Plus, if anyone important (like a band, or manager) looks into my site and blog, I want them to see that I was active. The more material there is, the better chances of them realizing I'm pretty dedicated to what I want to do.  What also helps, the more I write, the more practice I'm getting.

           I've been told I'm a good writer, but I feel like I'm nothing special. Not yet anyways. Yes, I do sometimes get ahead of the biggest rock music magazine in the country from time to time, but is that really anything special? I mean, I don't have an office, or even a 'professional' title. For that matter, I don't even have my own computer! I share a laptop and a desktop with the rest of my family. So really, I am a nobody in this business. I suppose its arguable that getting ahead of Alternative Press magazine when I work off of a computer that's techincally not even mine is impressive, but I find it to be just a reoccuring coincidence.

       Some people have asked me where I find the news, and honestly, since I do not have bands coming to me with their news, I just find it from Facebook. They post a lot on there, and Twitter. You just have to spot the news quickly and talk about it.

   Speaking of that, I will try to post the news today. :)


  1. Have you ever considered getting an actual website instead of using Blogspot?

    It might get you more visitors from search engines.

  2. I do have an actual website, and from what I've been told, it does come up in search engines. :)
