Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Love who you are, don't change it to fit society.

The world is a fucked up place. Everyone knows that, right? The way society as a whole seems to think is so screwed up, it makes so many people feel insecure, but why? What's the point in that? I'm here to tell you something, ignore them! They're all insecure about something too, and generally its all about looks.

       I'm not saying I'm not insecure about how I look from time to time, because I am. I look tweleve at eighteen and like to put crazy colors in my hair and wear emo makeup. Do I get stared at? Yes! Do I care? Generally, no. That being said I had to force myself yesterday to not care what people were thinking because I felt ugly yesterday. No makeup on, and I had a hair dying mishap that turned my entire head green. It was supposed to be turquoise streaks, and instead we messed up and bleached most of my hair, and most of it turned green. It was awful! Not even all of it was dyed either, you could see patches of the bleached areas still.

                 I honestly do hate it, but you know what? Its just hair! Its not for anyone else, its for you. So I'm going to fix it, and get it how I want it. Not because I don't want people staring, because I don't care. I can't control what others do, and if they want to look at me like I'm a freak, let them. I'm fixing it because I want it to look different.

  What inspired this was a video on YouTube. Like that's a shock, most of my silly little tangits come from YouTube and songs. I just had to say something. Before you click the video below, just look at him. Ladies, he's adorable right? He doesn't think so, and I find that to be a shame. Too many people are good looking and feel that way, and I blame society. I really do. Watch the video, and I'll contiune talking....erm, typing.
Do you see what I mean? He's so self concious he stops himself from doing what he loves and that's not right! I feel like a lot of people are like that, and I don't understand why. I don't let anything stop me from what I want to do. Provided, how I dress and look actually fits my profession. When doing anything with the music business its overly encouraged to have crazy hair, band t-shirts, and sometimes Tripps.

The point to this whole thing is don't let the world effect how you feel about yourself. I know its way easier said than done, but it is possible. If nothing else, een think about this. For all you music lovers out there, keep in mind that even a lot of rockstars are insecure about something about themselves. For that matter, I've heard a few singers say they can't sing, but they do it anyways.

  Nobody is perfect. Nobody! Not one person on this Earth is perfect. You know what? Your imperfections make you who you are. I'm not perfect either! I actually look like a stereotypical nerd with frizzy hair, glasses, fucked up teeth, freckles and pimples. I also get pissed off and annoyed when I don't have to be, I drop my phone all the time, I can't run to save my fucking life. All that and more is wrong with me, but without all those things, I don't think I'd be me. Keep that in mind, along with the fact that someone out there loves all of you. Whether its your boyfriend or girlfriend, your parents, or your friends, someone does. So, shouldn't you love yourself as is too?

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