Saturday, January 21, 2012

Confession (BVB fans need to read this)

 I've made a comparrison several times of the Black Veil Brides fans to Jonas Brothers fans, but recently I've been seeing some very disturbing things. You love them, right? Some of these fans are taking their love too far, by stealing sunglasses and scratching them. Dude, be careful, and then Andy passed out on stage? What is this? I have yet to hear an explaination, but I have the feeling that the BVB Army probably didn't help his case much.

       I didn't start writing this to repremand the BVB Army though, I actually came here to talk about the fandom. Whenever I compare you guys to the Jonas Brothers fans, I do mean well. I know most people don't really like the Jonas Brothers, but I was one of those obessive fans. The ones that know everything there is to know, bawl when they see them live, and shows the love with pride. I see a lot of BVB fans acting the same way, and I wanted to make sure you guys knew the road you were heading down. I am actually greatly fighting the obession, I refuse to let myself get that obessed again.

        Its fun for a while, but after that, it gets really frustrating. With the Jonas Brothers, its been a six year experience. I was fully obessed for about four of those, knew everything there was to know (border line creepy), bought anything that had their faces on it, or something about them inside of it, and when I finally saw them in concert, I got so excited that I nearly passed out and I did cry several times. Looking back at all of it, its ridiculous! I still fight it from time to time, I defend them whenever someone insults them, get overly excited when I heard something new has happened to them, and go through spurts here and there where all I want to do is listen to them lke an obessed fangirl. Its honestly just a big mess.

           I do not want to get that way with BVB, espeically not since I do hope to one day interview them. They seem like awesome people, and honestly, that's the biggest appeal for me. I like their music, but it doesn't speak to me in way other bands like Art Of Dying and Three Days Grace do. They are one of my favorites, but I honestly seem to have more interest in them as people, than I do in their music. I have a feeling that if I let myself get that obessed, I will never be able to interview them,  because I'll have a hell of a time trying to talk to them.

      I don't get starstruck over most people, they are just normal people, but I've known for years that I would be starstruck with the Jonas Brothers. Considering I got to their show, my mom simply asked me how it felt to know I was finally at a Jonas Brothers concert, and I burst into tears of joy. I get seating and moments before they took the show, I felt like I was going to pass out, from excitment (I only know this because as soon as they got on the stage, I was fine), and when they played my favorite songs back to back, I was in awe I think. I remember half way through "That's Just The Way We Roll" just sitting down and staring, thinking "OMG, I can not believe this is real." I was probably crying then too, but that was two and a half years ago now. Wow, its really been that long.

             My family and friends have all agreed, I'd probably embarass myself in front of them. One of my best friends has said that she bets one of two things will happen. Either I'll burst into tears and feel bad, so I stay away from them, or their body guard will have to pry me off of Nick because I would hugtackle him. My mother thinks I'll pass out, then wake up and cry because I passed out, and then cry even more because chances are they'd be right there. I don't like that about myself . Its a dream of mine to interview them one day, though it'd probably be the toughest interview they ever do because I have the hardest questions ever for them. Like I said, I know a lot, so the questions I have, are the things nobody has ever gotten them to admit. In 2008, I was named their 'Super Fan' because at the time I had every CD that was out, several t-shirts, hats, purses, and two websites just for them.

       The websites though were a bit different, the one can still be found actually. One was called Jonas Heaven, and all it was was actually just JB facts. You name it, I had it. It was sort of scary. Plus I had a graphics site called OJD Graphics, but it changed to something else later one. I forget what I renamed it now, it may have been Immortal Graphics, now that I think of it.

       Anyways, I went to a contest that was hosted by a local radio station to win JB tickets, and my mom was talking to the DJ about how obessed I was, he heard all that and was like, "Oh wow, you're like the Super Fan or something." I probably should not be proud of it, but in a way I am. I now hide it fairly well, now you don't hear me mention them every day, but it still comes out. It never ends.

        Maybe the BVB fans don't care, but I'm just letting you know where its probably headed for a lot of you.

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