Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I hate my brother

Ok, so I think I've mentioned this before, but I am a twin. My brother and I are vastly different, but no matter what I do, he seems to think he's some awesome being that can do no wrong, but whatever I do is wrong. He's an immature little brat! We're 18 fucking years old and he acts like he's about ten years old. I can not say anything negative about him or else he's going, "Well you do this.." or "You do that." Grow the fuck up! Just now I told him he acts like a fucking ten year old (I'm pissed, can you tell?), and he stormed out of the room and yelled, "Fuck You" to me! I didn't do anything wrong, stop ignoring when people say things negative about you and learn from it!

          Even our own mother has said he acts like a little kid, almost daily she tells him to grow up. All he ever wants to do is watch anime, and play video games. He doesn't do anything else for the most part, and he attempts to make me feel bad whenever I do anything good. Like I apply for a few jobs and mention it, he goes on and on about the fact that "I make him feel bad for not bothering when I do things." Stop trying to bring me down, you fucking asshole, and just step up! I get so sick of it! Basically anything annoying he could do, he does.

        Oh, and he gets pissy over everything. In that instance, he's like my father. I'm getting so fed up that I'm about ready to disown him as my brother. What's driving me crazy is we live in the same house, and have mostly all the same friends. We are never apart. Its gotten so bad lately that we even argue in front of our friends because a coment will get made and he's like "Well you do the same thing." When half of the time, I don't. When I say I'm getting sick of hearing that as his argument every single time, he just says, "Well, I'm getting sick of you doing this every single time." How about actually stop! Grow up and stop being such a fucking baby! You're 18 years old, face life and grow the fuck up!

            He seems to find anything to get pissed about, and then promptly decides to yell at me about it. At least my Dad tends to say out of my fucking way now as long as I stay out of his. We don't talk unless we have to most of the time, just because we don't want the drama that generally comes with us talking. Its fucking annoying and I hate it. My brother just decides to be all over anything I do, good or bad and finds the negative in it, and if its about him, he just gets pissed. I hate it! Its become a daily occurance and I don't get it. He just PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF! I'm dead serious, plus he likes to hover over me like he needs to watch over me, and what he doesn't realize is Mom tends to put me in charge of him. She'll tell me to help him out and all that just because he will basically give himself a panic attack if he doesn't know how to do something, he doesn't listen, so there's very little he'll know how to do when it comes to adult things, and he often does not use any common sense. I'm not even just being mean when I say he acts like a ten year old. My friend has a ten year old brother, and they have a ton in common, and it seems to be we both agree that our brothers do the same things wrong a lot.
       I fucking hate this. I'm seriously thinking I may just give him the silent treatment for a week or two, just to give myself a damn break. Plus, I need to make some friends that I do not share with him! We've been a package deal our entire lives and its really beginning to aggravate me greatly. We're two seperate people, with major differences, why can't we ever be apart?! Quite litterally, the only time it feels like we're apart anymore is when I go to the grocery store with my Mom. That's it! Generally our grocery shopping only takes an hour to two hours, and that's not enough. Maybe I should see if I can go and spend an entire weekend with a friend or something. Quite frankly, the only one I like in my house is my mother. I feel horrible saying that, but its the truth.

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