Monday, January 9, 2012

Still thinking about the futures of Music = Life and Immortal Music.

I've been doing a lot of serious thinking, and while the changes I am about to announce will more than likely be just temporary, I plan on making some changes to the site and page. Everyone has seen my posts about the changes, and then the changes getting messed up due to technical problems. You've all heard it, I'm not repeating myself again.

           I posted yesterday saying I am considering canceling the band biographies and news, and just sticking to the album reviews and interviews. I'll still post random fun things on Immortal Music, but for now, I think I'll cancel most plans. They're just not working out.

        Oh, but I think I may also try to keep the blog going more often. I enjoy writing blogs, even though honestly, nobody reads them. The most views I've ever gotten on the blog was seven, and that was on the first one or some shit like that. I'm not sure exactly, I just know not many people read them. Whatever though, it doesn't bother me. As long as I'm having fun, I really don't give a shit. I mean, I want you guys to enjoy them, but maybe some day more people will take notice. Until that happens, why not do it for my own enjoyment?

       Speaking of enjoyment, I'm sure you've all done that, but I'm going to ask anyways. Have you ever gone through this period where you want to listen to a band a lot more than you usually do? The past couple of days, I've been listening to Blood On The Dance Floor like crazy. I don't really understand why,but I have been. I do like them, don't get me wrong, but they've never been one of my favorites, and generally I'll only listen to a song or two and be done. That hasn't been the case the past few days, I've been listening to them almost non-stop. I really don't get why, it probably is due to the fact I am hoping to interview them. :) I'm lame, I know.

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