Monday, January 30, 2012

Who I Am

Who am I? Well, who are you? Who's asking, and why do you want to know? I'm one of those people, the ones who won't hesitate to ask questions, and generally won't stop until a logical answer has been recieved.

             To some I am just a kid, even though I will be nineteen this year, but I see myself as much more than that. I am who I am, and I know that. Nothing, and no one will ever change that. "I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me." That line as said by Fall Out Boy in 2008, and while it sounds a little concieded, all it means is, no matter what someone thinks about you, they're still wasting their time thinking about you.You're being thought of, and that can do a lot. Another way to put it is, "Haters make me famous." Blood On The Dance Floor, and probably many others have said that.

         I'm quoting these bands because music is my life, and many of you know that. I can think of so many quotes just off of the top of my head that fit me so well. "I am who I am, I can't help myself, and if you don't like it, get with somebody else. I'll never change my ways, its not a phase. This is how it is, and this is how its going to stay.". "I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut, my weakness is that I care too much"...I could seriously go on for hours with just song quotes alone, but since that'll probably never end, I won't get into that.

               Sure there is more to me than music, but that's a huge factor in my life. I decided I wanted to type this up because I was on Hot Topic's website, looking at band T-shirts like I always do, while listening to "New Religion" by Black Veil Brides. While I think BVB ment they'd be the "new religion", I think it should be music. It probably never will be, but I seriously feel it should be. I have read that listening to music can actually change your view on the world, depending on what you listen to, and any kind of music can heal pain. It also can bring thousands of people together, and even just for a night, that might just make someone's world feel at peace.

       You wanna know who I am? I'm one of those kids that all the bible thumpers out there would take one look at and assume I was a devil worshipper. I'm the one who wears a lot of black eye makeup, band t-shirts, paints my fingernails black, will wear Tripp pants with the chains and all, with my phone in one hand, iPod in the other, with purple in my hair, and fingerless gloves on my hand. I don't have any "abnormal" pericings, but I want my lip, my tongue and my bellybutton pierced, I also want a tattoo. Its people like me that these little old ladies who go around saying, "Praise The Lord", would take one look at and get a disgusted look on their face.

       I'm the girl who'll one minute be rocking out to Asking Alexandria, and let my iPod switch to the Jonas Brothers or Hilary Duff. I just don't care, and why should I? I have fun with it, so why avoid it? There's so many things in life that people are told not to do, because its "not allowed". Well, I say, who says? Sure, there are some things you really should never do, like immoral things, but that's just common sense. There's no rules for how you dress with me, as long as you like it, and you're not going to get arrested for indecent exposer, you're good.

              My "style" can be classifed as "emo", or sometimes "goth". I show my love for music and "dark" style daily. I rarely wear something is not a band t-shirt, and if I am, its something else that's "emo", or darker at least. Put it this way, here's a few of my favorite shirts: A Black Veil Brides shirt, a Falling In Reverse Shirt, my Three Days Grace Shirt, my Escape The Fate shirt, a shirt that says "Music Is My Boyfriend", and another that says, "I may be cute, but I still bite." I also love my Tripp band jeans, my actual Tripps, my Tripp skirt, and my Abbey Dawn skinny jeans. I rarely get to wear them, because I live in Hell (Florida, its hot enough to be Hell, most of the year.), but I sitll love them.

   I am the kind of girl that will turn on a song just to see if I can still bear it, and sometimes regret it because it'll bring back a memory that stings.  If I say something, I mean it, I'm straight forward about things, and try to be fearless, even though I have fears that do hold me back from time to time. I'm not afraid of the future, I wish it'd get here sooner.

          When I say I don't care, I usually don't, because if I do care, I make it clear. I am "maturally immature.", which means I know when to be mature and when I don't nessicarily have to be. Meaning, I'll be the one who takes control of situations when need be, but I will also take much enjoyment out of bounce houses, and watching kids shows like Wizards Of Waverly Place and iCarly. I'm not afraid of what anyone will say, honestly, I'm not. I am who I am, because that's who I want to be. If someone can't accept that, they can get out of my life. They don't have to be around someone they don't like.

        Over all, I am a nice, kind hearted person, but once you've crossed me, usually you're going to be treated differently. I do give out second chances, but only when I feel they're needed. You have to take the bad with the good in order to appericate the good.

               I hate poltics, religion annoys me, and anyone who pushes such things on me, tends to get on my nerves.

          You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action. You probably recongize that quote, right? That's because its from the Victorious theme song, "Make It Shine." I feel its true, so who cares if its from a kids show theme song? You don't have to be afraid to put your dreams in action, just go for it. In the end, it'll either work out, or you'll decide its not your dream.

          This totally went off topic, but maybe it didn't at the same time. I'm not sure even why I fully decided to do this..

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