Sunday, January 8, 2012

RE: Future of Bryan Stars (And some of my own goings on)

Pretty much everyone knows Bryan Stars, if you don't, you're missing out on something amazing and need to look it up right now. I'm not even joking, Bryan is probably the best interviewer out there, actually no probably about it -he is the best inerviewer ever. He posted a video recently that actually really upset me. I saw some hate on Bryan from some loser kid on his Facebook page, and I laid into him. I do not take kindly to people bashing people I like, and I honestly do adore Bryan. He seems like an awesome person, I've talked to him before, he's a sweetheart, and  really a nice guy. He's inspired me a lot, and I think he's probably done the same for many others.

          In his video, (which you can see above, on his Facebook, Music = Life, or his YouTube channel, he talks about the hate he gets. People call him a fag, and say he';s been rude to bands -all kinds of stupid shit. I really do not get haters, never have, never will. I find them to be all around idiotic, and pointless. He mentioned the fact that people will comment on how often he interviews Black Veil Brides, I've seen this a lot, ever since the fifth BVB interview was announced anyone who wasn't big on BVB or Asking Alexandria (because Danny was in it) started complaining, saying that's all he does. No, he doesn't. He interviews a lot of other people, but he likes BVB's music, and them as people, so he interviews them.

            That's actually a very big thing with music journalisim. Unless you work for a magazine, radio statio, or televsion network or show, you pick who you interview. So of course, you're going to go for some you personally enjoy. Its more fun for you, and easier to think of questions. That's something else people were complaining about, do people not really realize how hard it can be to think up fun and unique questions? Its time consuming, and can take hours on end, sometimes days. It might not if he went for the generic questions, but he doesn't. Everyone knows that's what makes Bryan stand out, he actually brings his questions to life.

       I don't get why people have been hating on him so much, but I really think people ought to knock it off. Not just about Bryan, but about everything. There's too much hate in this world, and you know what? Everyone wants the world to be a better place, but it never will be if people don't ever bother trying. Wishing will do no good, you actually have to try to get what you want.

      I had to say something about that, now for a little quick update. I haven't been updating like I said, I mentioned the technical difficulties I'm having, and its really gotten in the way. I don't even have the right ammount of time now to do everything. I have to now share the computer with three other computer, instead of one, along with the fact that I do not have my photoshop, or Movie Maker I am used to. I kind of hate to say this, but I am beginning to think I may rework all my plans, and find something different to do. These ones don't seem to be working very well, and nobody really seems to care what I do anyways. I'll figure something out. If you do care, please leave a comment, I really want to know if I'm wasting my time with all this, or if I should just go back to posting reviews when I want, the news when I want, cancel the biographies, and interviews whenever I get them.

   Before I go too, I have to tell you this story. I just thought about it because I was watching Blood On The Dance Floor interviews for no known reason. Last night I was at dinner with my best friend and her family. Her mom knows how I often try to get interviews, and I think she's pretty proud of me for it (she's practically family). She was like, "Who's that?" I told her, and said she'd hate them probably, because she's such a "proper" person, and she also likes pop music the most. She still wanted to know who I was talking about, so I hesitantly showed her them. I didn't want to show her one of their more vulgar songs like "Revenge Porn" or "S My D", so I chose "Ima Monster." She puts my earbuds in and is listening, as my best friend is recording her reaction. I've shown her BOTDF before, and she finds it just as amusing as I do. Now, her mom only listened to maybe a minute and a half of the song, but in that time they do say "I dribble like I'm rubbing on nipples", and in the chorus it says something about eating someone.

        I didn't even think about that when I showed that one to her, but she heard that, covers her mouth and starts laughing. We were both laughing at her reaction, and she finally just took the earbuds out and told me she was done with that. She also asked how I can listen to them, I just told her they're amusing on occasion. I don't think shew as impressed in the least. Anyways, I had to tell you guys that story, hopefully that amused you guys as much as it amused me. I'll bug my friend to put the video on Facebook, and I'll try to share it with you guys on Music = Life.

   Once again, I will probably be working on the plans for Immortal Music and all that, I don't really know what's going on at the moment. Part of me wants to change things somewhat drastically and stop reporting the news except for the big things, and only be an interviewer and reviewer. Since interviewing is the main thing I want to do, and I enjoy reviewing albums and songs, why not just change things a bit? I don't know yet, I'll talk it over with a couple of people and get back to you guys. Feedback would help too, if you guys could please do that, I'd appericate it a lot.

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