Thursday, March 1, 2012

I had the coolest dream last night! (Featuring Ronnie Radke!)

  Last night I had a dream that I wish would come true. Maybe one day it will, just in a more logical way.

   I had a dream that I was apparently going to a Falling In Reverse concert, and for some reason I was staying at the venue. Meaning I was living there. I'm not even kidding, it was the strangest thing. Walked out of my room, even though it looked nothing like my room, into this mostly empty room. All it had was a stage, and a couple people.

             I don't remember exactly how it happened, but someone told me that if I wasn't going to the show I had to go back to my room. So I told them, "I am going to the show." Oddly though, they never asked for my ticket. There's no logic in that, honestly. So I'm hanging out, waiting for things to start happening. People start coming in and I'm just chilling in the back.

        I suppose it looked like I worked there, because at one point a crew member came over to me and asked where they could put their stuff. I told them there was a room in the back that they could put stuff in and they walked off. A few minutes later, Ronnie walked in. Correction, he walked right into me.

            I turned around and started to say, "Watch where you're going." But then I saw Ronnie, and didn't want to say anything bad to him.

        He apologized for running into me, and I told him it was ok. Then it dawned on him that he had no idea why I was out there, and wanted to find out if I was just a fan or what. I told him I am a fan, but I live in the building and am actually a music journalist. He asked if I had questions for him, and I said yes. Ronnie said he had some time, so if I wanted to do an interview to go get my questions.

      Of course I ran and got them right away! Only problem is, I can not remember a single question I asked, I can only remember standing there talking to Ronnie for what seemed like forever. Even though it was probably only a minute or two in all actuality.

  I've noticed the more serious I get about wanting to interview these band guys, the more I quite litterally dream about it. First one was Ashley Purdy, now Ronnie? I'm surprised I haven't had a dream yet about interviewing All Time Low, The Ready Set, Three Days Grace or the Jonas Brothers. Those are the highest on my list.

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