Monday, March 5, 2012

Random Topic #4: Labels suck!

 Labels should be for soup cans, not people. People are all just people, that's what they are. What they are, does not make them who they are.

             If you ask me, there only should be two 'labels': Yourself, and fake. If you're not being true to yourself, you're being fake. Why should it matter to the rest of the world if you like to wear bright colors and do your hair all crazy, or if you like to listen to screaming music while wearing black, chains, and band shirts? What you like can define you, but who says it has to?

              If everyone would stop for a moment and think about things before they called someone "emo" or "hipster", or whatever, maybe people would be happier. Its one thing if you call yourself something, because that's how you see yourself, but its another thing when someone else says it and you know its not true. It can be hurtful, or even just down right wrong. I personally call myself a rocker chick, because I wear band shirts, and all that stuff. Some days I look emo, some days I look goth, and others I look damn girly! It doesn't matter how you dress, its who you are.

          Nobody is just one thing, so don't let it get to you when someone calls you one thing, because they don't know you. If they want to be stupid and use labels, let them. Its just a waste of their time, but it doesn't need to get to you.

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