Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Random Topic #5: People trying to change me.

 Lately I've noticed a lot of people trying to change me. Pretty much all of my real life friends are into Pokemon and anime. I'm not into any of that, but I enjoy my friends company so I just sort of put up with their talk of it. Of course lately, some of them are saying, "You need to get into anime." or "You should be into Pokemon." There's no 'need' when it comes to interests. It also annoys me that some people assume if you enjoy anything you're not actively interested in for even a second that you secretly love it. You can momentarily enjoy something you're not totally into. I keep trying to tell them, its not that I hate the things they're into, its just that I personally really don't care about it.

         Then today someone who's known me since we were kids, says to me, "You need to get into the rap scene." I hate rap. I've never enjoyed it, and seeing as I am nearly nineteen years old and still don't like it, I really don't think I will. He said I should expand my horizons, and I'm all for that, generally, but when it comes to rap, I'd rather not. I'll listen to it if someone else turns it on, but I don't personally like it. It all sounds awful to me, even if the lyrics are good.

       It occured to me that maybe others feel the same way about people trying to change them. Maybe others are getting sick and tired of hearing they 'need' to be into something. To me, that feels like they're trying to change you, and then I stop and think, "Why can't they just be happy with who I am?"

       I don't know about you, but I personally, do not care what people think most of the time. I'm pretty sure I'm mentioned that before, but I really don't care. I am who I am, and I'm very comfortable with that, so it irritates me when people try to change me.

  If anyone else is facing the issue of what I suppose is peer pressure, ignore it. Not all peer pressure is bad, I mean, without it, I don't think I'd be the person I am today, but if people are trying to push things you don't like or bad things onto you,ignore it. Or even better, if its at all possible, remove such people from your life. You don't need someone trying to push bad things on you, and sometimes no matter how against it you are, you'll give in. That is never a good thing.

       I guess this was more of a mini rant instead of an article trying to help people...

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